Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Famous Image

I have seen this picture many times over the years, and I still have mixed feelings about it.

What was the motive behind the picture? Was it a setup pic (just the right angle, etc.)? What was this picture used for?

What the viewers of this picture see is a man about to be executed in the streets of Vietnam. The man is cringing because he knows what is going to happen. The look on his face makes him appear to be more of the victim than he truly is. His hands are handcuffed/tied behind his back, so that really adds to the innocence of him. The black and white setup of the pic, just gives it more of an eerie feeling to me. I have never really paid to much attention to this before, but I notice now, that the background is almost 'white-washed' so that the focal point is the two men.

When the picture was published, people were shocked of the horror of what was being done. Yet, we live in a country that upholds the death penalty. Was the shock more of the technique being used? Or the fact that people know the death penalty is being used, and we just don't want to admit it?

The truth of this picture is a different story....

The man who is about to be executed was just arrested for being involved with a mass murder of innocent people. The officer holding the gun had family friends that were killed. The actual photographer (Eddie Adams) was there when it happened, and when he took the photo, he wanted to show what really happened. The picture was immediately used to show that the innocent unarmed civilians were being pulled out into the streets and shot for no reason. I have watched several interviews with the photographer, and he still says that if he would have known how the picture was going to be displayed, he would have never submitted it to his bosses.

I am not saying I agree with what happened, but I can see where any picture or image regardless of intent, can be taken and manipulated then shown to the public if a much different light. As viewers we need to understand that a image is worth a thousand words, and often times, those words might not even be what truly happened. Our technology allows us to use photo-shop and other media tools to alter any given photograph. We have read how 'with rhetoric comes responsiblities'...I truly agree, regardless of any format it comes in.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Visual Rhetoric info


there you go!!

I thought this was a great teaching tool to show the reasoning behind why Stanford is the BEST school to attend. We are a visual species...(we like looking at things), and what better way to get a point across. Pictures are truly worth a thousand words, and they can easily be manipulated to sway ideas and opinions.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rhetorical Situation

Out of the two readings, I found the Grant-Davie piece to be more enjoyable. I liked the way it took Bitzer’s ideas and made them a little easier to understand, and even ripped them apart at times. The terminology was much easier to understand, so now I at least feel more comfortable understanding what the heck they are all talking about.

I guess the rhetorical situation that comes to my mind is the class mid-term project I have for my NAS Food Science class. The project theme is for us as a class to prepare a feast for 150-200 people from the community. Since it is based on the tribal cultures, the food is meant to be as original as we can find or make. Most of the class was all for just inviting people off the street, but I told them that we can’t do that because of health reasons. I had documents from the State Health Department (I was the dictated liaison), stating what we could and couldn’t do, and wild game was off the list if we opened it to the general public. Of course other ‘rhetors’ were mad and spouting off that ‘I don’t have to worry about this bullshit when I have a bbq in my backyard’. I understand that one of the constraints with rhetoric is previous historical instances, and since this was a NAS class, history just fueled the fire. I was basically called a ‘colonialist sympathizer’ and that the feast would take place regardless of the punishment. Once I told the class the fines and possible lawsuits involved, the angry tone finally shut down.

I understand that rhetoric is a great tool for discussion, but when one side is using facts and rational, and the other side is just using ignorance as a rebuttal, that’s where I have a problem. What really annoyed me about this situation was the fact that the people that were getting all pissed off were grad students that aren’t even tribal. They were attempting to use their ethos to get everyone all pissed off about the rules. They were attacking the State Department and anyone else in the class who supported the rules, when they all knew MSU said ‘no’ to our group for the very same reasons.

When it was said and over, the group as a whole decided to just invite certain people, which was ok under the state guidelines.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dog fight #2

Can Romney say anything without lying? 

Thank goodness that Susan Katz was able to address Romney and say publicly that all the problems we have now are due to the lack of attention of the Bush admin.

Romney then says he appreciates the question...OK, why is it OK for a citizen to compare him and Bush as twins, yet when the President does it, Obama is an ass!?

Of course, he doesn't address the question at first, he has to address the previous question...in typical political fashion, he tries to over-step the landmine right in front of him.

Romney says he isn't going to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, what bull. He is totally against any kind of birth control. He has already said that numerous times in his campaigning. Does he think the population forgets what he says? He then goes on about saying that employers shouldn't have any say in what women do as far as birth control. That argument doesn't make sense...

I love Susan's look..she is just looking at him thinking, "You are so full of shit!" Romney claims Bush made mistakes, but they were mistakes Romney voted for!!!  We had the technology when Bush was in office, its just better now.

I love how Obama just tells the public how much full of crap he is. This is what I wanted to see!! He even calls him out as saying he is the last one going after anyone. NICE!!!! There is Romney, just sitting there listening with that crappy smile on his face.

Romney loves blaming China...then states trickle down economics doesn't work here. Um...him and his friends started that.  Blames them for being an currency manipulator, yet his buddies are economic manipulators.

More people hired?  HOW!?!? Yet he wants to cut all financial aide funding for college students, any federally funding programs....if you fire people, how are you creating new jobs?

I just love how Obama called him out on everything he said.  This is what I was waiting for...he might have been quiet the first round, but now he is coming out calling Romney a lying bag of garbage!!

Government does not create jobs! Is what he shouts, yet isn't that what he is claiming he is going to do?!

I hunt and own guns, but alot of people...ALOT here in Montana should not be allowed to own a slingshot. Regardless of gun bans, people are going to hurt others and find ways to do it. The gun the shooter used in the theater, was not an AK...all those weapons are the SAME guns that police have. I feel that if the general public can't have them, fine, but police officers don't need to have a military grade weapon either. They system is broken, and it needs fixed.  Romney says its illegal to own a fully automatic weapon....ONLY IF YOU DON'T PAY FOR THE PERMIT!!!!   How does the topic go from guns to the sanctity of marriage?  I think its great the moderator calls him on how he is a flip-flopper on the guns issue.

Both candidates feel that educated people don't kill....that just irritates me to no end.  That shooter was highly educated....we need to blow that myth out of the water that only scummy, stupid people hurt people.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Montana Way or Tester's Way?

 As I watch Jon Tester talk about why he should be ‘the chosen one’ for Montana, I can’t help but dwell on what he means when he spouts the words, “The Montana Way!” What does that actually mean? Does anyone truly know? Is this his imaginary vision of what Montana represents? What does it mean to others (like me) that see views differently? I have personally met Tester last semester in a Native American Studies (NAS) class, and I was not impressed. Believe me, I am not a Rehberg fan either, but this Senator race will surely be a vote for the ‘lesser of two evils.’
Photos courtesy of:  www.politicalguide.com
Growing up I was the typical kid who read western stories based on the wild, untamed west. I admit I fell into the whole Hollywood romance that western movies and books depicted. Nothing was more awesome to see a rugged cowboy with his shiny spurs, a lever action rifle in its scabbard, and his reliable six guns in its holster. This proud, mysterious, figure would slowly ride into town on his trusty steed. Unfortunately those days are gone, yet I feel while watching Tester’s ads, even though he is educated, he feels that Montana is still open land with vigilantes running around taking the law into their own hands. Maybe this is what he imagines:

            “We are really a free people out here. The American spirit is making its last stand here. Every man is his master. He believes in himself. We don’t know anything about tenement life, ward politics, the factory system-all that…” (McNickle, D’Arcy. “The Hawk is Hungry”
If this is what he truly sees in his mind of what Montana represents, then why is he needed in office?
I have come to the conclusion that his main target audience for his ads are farmers and ranchers of Montana. Tester claims he is a 3rd generation Montanan, and farming is in his blood. How can he make the claim in his ads that he is for all Montanans, when he specifically is going for the Pathos, Logos, and Ethos, of the long existing farming and ranching communities? Is he so blinded that he doesn’t realize that Montana is a huge state that is diverse in jobs? While it remains fairly untamed, a vast majority of its populace are not farmers and ranchers.   
 Bozeman itself is not a poor, farming community. It houses the college, numerous schools, all types of highly advanced engineering and technical businesses. Belgrade is more of an urban town, but even then, not everyone lives on a farm or ranch. With this approach, I feel that Tester is missing a large portion of the votes available to him. The degree that he acquired is for Music, with a teaching option. Which I find truly ironic in the sense that he feels Montana needs scientists and engineers, not critical thinkers. So where does music fit in? “The Montana Way” quote that he talks about, seems to get lost in the minds of people who just don’t buy into that logic. People who actually live in the cities, might not relate to what he is saying, or instantly conjure up their own vision of “The Montana Way,” and it isn’t always pretty.




His ads are full of enthymemes that say indirectly; this is how he does government in Montana. In his mind, everything is going great. Yet when statistics are pulled from the State Health Departments, his way of governing doesn’t address a lot of issues. I have yet to see an ad where he and his wife are saying they are going to tackle the high suicide rates, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol addiction, loose gun control laws, and lowest children immunization in the nation. Instead of addressing these topics for Montana Families, he states, “caring as deeply about the next generation as the people who came before cared about us…now that is the Montana Way.” If the next generation is the highest importance to him, why is it that in 2007, the federal government made Montana put an open container law in the books? That should have been his first action as an elected Senator, but even as a lower level political head, he never pushed it. How can anyone Democrat or Republican say that the next generation is vital but will only change laws because the federal government threatens to withhold money?
Nice to know that my families safety on the road isn't priority to Tester, yet if I die, I get a free cross placed in my honor.
I feel that his own personal gains are clouding his mind when dealing with environmental issues. When he came to my class last semester, I asked him about why he voted to allow the Keystone Pipeline Company to be exempt from submitting any Environmental Impact Studies (EIS). In the typical political fashion, he just shook his head and instantly blamed the President. His whole environmental logic is wrong. How can he claim that he wants to preserve the land, and water of Montana, and that he wants to look into renewable energy, when he seems to be on the payroll of the pipeline companies? What jobs are truly going to be created? It will create more work for the people already in the oil field positions. Tester is trying to sell this off as a way to get people in Montana off unemployment and get them to work. Anyone can look at what is happening to neighboring states that have recently allowed the oil exploitation. Whose interest is at stake here…Montanans or Tester’s personal bank account?
One classmate asked him about his stance on the loose gun control laws and without missing a beat, he just answered, "We are Montanans and that is what we do." I own guns, but I still believe that some people shouldn't be allowed to own a sling-shot!

2012 Spring NASX 304

I recently acquired a flyer that was mailed out to potential voters in Montana. The front cover is a picture of Tester walking with a ranching couple, smiling and having a great discussion. I find it funny yet irritating how much the photo has been edited. The picture is an image taken directly from his own ad (found at: 40 second mark). What has been changed is the back fence. Originally, the video shows cows in the background and farther back is a tree line that indicates a free running creek bed. The edited photo shows the fence covering all of the animals and creek, and it is a poor photo-editing job to boot. The point of doing this would be to hide the fact that if Tester is pro-clean water and resources, he can't really show that the cows being that close to the water, which will pollute the water supply. I have done work with fish biologists, and their main purpose is to prevent this type of ranching practice from happening. This flyer is full of mis-leading facts about his political career; he isn't the opponent of special interest groups (he has close ties to the pipeline company), he isn't an advocate for first-rate education (teachers here complain of lack of state funding). If Tester is willing to 'doctor' his pictures to hide the truth, what else is he hiding from potential voters? I guess in the long run, that is what the rhetoric is about...cloud the public with mis-information and let them figure out what is really going on. I know what is important in my life right now, and this senate race will be a hard one for me.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate thoughts

When I fired up my laptop, the first news headline that came up linked back to Romney being arrogant and his 47% claim. I truly wish Obama would have took that and ran with it on the debate.


I don't really know where to start...mostly I think everything Romney says is a damn lie! He pulls numbers out of a magic hat that mean nothing. He stands there with a crappy ass smile on his face as if he thinks its funny that voters are actually trusting stuff he says.

-"The rich will do fine regardless of who is president" Um, what the hell does that mean?
-Gas prices have doubled since Obama took office...
-"I like coal, clean coal" I didn't know there is a difference, yet Romney says he is pro-environment and talks about letting the pipeline go through.

I think it was great for Obama to call Romney out on his plans. The plans are there, but nobody knows what his plans are. Obama even stated that seems to be Romney's trend.
Obama started out thanking his wife for marrying him. Total emotional appeal that he is a sensitive guy. Talks about Americans fighting back on job loss.

I have always found it interesting when watching the debates (since Clinton) that on tv, the camera has both candidates the same height. Bush versus Kerry really showed that, as a society we seem to look at a shorter person being weaker. So for the millions watching tv, the candidates want the same height. Special podiums were built for Bush Jr, so he looked much taller than he was.

Romney states his tax plan has never been done....must be a reason for it never being done. Wants to lower gov spending, but wants to increase defense. To do this has no problem doing away with numerous government funded programs, yet will create more jobs doing so.

Romney states that individual responsibility works best. Enthymeme is that if it back fires, it's not his fault. Americans just didn't take the initiative. His entitlement section says nothing will change, but that is totally different in what he said at the spendy dinner.

Sad that Obama had to explain Romney's voucher system for the health care idea he wants to run with. It won't work, so that's why Romney's plans are all hush hush.

I was waiting for Romney to start spatting about faith and religion and God and the constitution and such. I just had to wait for it and he eventually did.

I don't think Romney really won this round. I wish Obama would have put Romney in his place, but by letting Romney lie through his teeth, it just made Obama look better in my opinion.

I think Obama's rhetoric approach was pretty good, it was more factual based in my eyes. He knew when to just let Romney dig his grave even deeper.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project idea

Well, I feel this is pretty much just duplicating what I said in class on Wednesday.

For my topic, I want to use as much as I can think of from Aristotle and just rip Testers ad apart. I am not a Rehberg fan, but Tester is pretty close to him in my lack of respect. Anyways, after seeing his latest ad we watched in class, I want to use that viewed ideology he is trying to use to persuade voters.

Also I want to focus on what enthymeme is being played on when he talks about the "Montana way".

Most campaigns are clouded with ethos, some logos (usually just b.s. stats), and our favorite one of all....pathos.

I just seem drawn to this latest ad of Tester's and the "unspoken words" are what I want to focus on.

I guess for me, I have met him, so I know how much a  blowhard he is...so its that much more easier for me to ridicule his ads. But again, its the unspoken words that I will focus on.